Events and Trips initiative provided 47 grants
They will be financed with the School’s funds

The Science and Technology Events and Trips Initiative, which allows UTN Buenos Aires to spread scientific-technological production and to foster the participation of scholarship holders, students and researchers in events related to this field, will finance the presentation of 24 works in international Congresses, which will demand a total investment of $204,000 (ARS); another 8 works, in national Congresses, to which $39,318 (ARS) will destined. And the participation of 4 students in national Congresses.
$186,000 (ARS ) will be destined to the organization of 11 scientific-technological events in the Medrano and Campus premises.
Through this initiative, UTN Buenos Aires seeks to “strengthen the visibility of the School’s scientific production and facilitate the enrichment of the researchers’ academic background through diffusion activities of their work. In parallel, we foster the creation of national and international networks composed of UTNBA researchers,” pointed out Lic Patricia Cibeira, Secretary of the School’s Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Office.
The Events and Trips Initiative is available twice a year and it’s completely financed by the School’s own produce. It “finances the presentations of works in both national and international congresses. Organization of events are also included,” according to the Program terms.
Since its creation to date, 16 calls have been made uninterruptedly which are approved by the Board of Trustees and evaluated by the UTN Buenos Aires Advisory Council.
The following are the categories of the initiative: presentation of works in scientific-technological events to which an amount of up to $7200 is allocated per researcher for national events and $12000 for international events. Participation/attendance to scientific-technological courses or events. This category is exclusively for students with a maximum fund of $7200 per person for national activities. Organization and realization of scientific-technological events in the Campus or Medrano premises; a maximum amount of $19000 is allocated for activities on Campus and $18000 for those in Medrano.
“There is a specific category for students that was created two years after the first Events and Trips Initiative began because we realized that it is more difficult for students to get a work accepted in a Congress. We think that the participation in this type of events is really enriching for students, especially if they are supported by the research team members involved in the project where the work is inserted. Of course, this is the category most students holding a scholarship apply to,” Cibeira concluded.
UTNBA Research Scholarships
UTNBA seeks to encourage students and new graduates to start and get trained in research activities.
The aim of these scholarships is to encourage students to engage in research activities and technological development, within the frame of a Research Project.
“The growth related to scholarships granted in the last few years was very important. Today, there are approximately 190 students and more than 50 graduates holding a scholarship. In parallel, the number of research projects increased, now reaching 113 and we also have 5 Centers and Research Groups, in addition to the Research and Development Unit for Engineering (UIDI in Spanish). This involves all the engineering specialties of the School,” Cibeira explained.
The process of evaluation is carried out by Research project directors and involves “evaluations and interviews and a proposal for an order of merit. Then the Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Office jointly with the University Affairs Office provides a proposal for a general order of merit which is also analyzed by the Scholarships Commission.”
The scholarships are for a period of two years from April to December and they are assigned by modules, with a maximum dedication of 6 hours a day each.
“For the students, participating in research projects can be an enriching experience because it allows them to dabble in an undoubtedly less known field that complements their education in engineering activities. It also allows them to be part of interdisciplinary teams and relate to researcher teachers with experience in this kind of activities,” Cibeira explained.
Scholarships for Graduates
They are aimed at UTN Buenos Aires Graduates, who have graduated within the last three years and are 35 years old or less. Those who obtain them will have to dedicate 20 hours per week to research activities and technological development at the School within the frame of a research project.
Scholarships duration is the same as for students, that is, nine months, from April to December. Once the term has expired, the scholarship may be renewed up to a maximum of two consecutive years.