First summit between UTNBA and the University of Washington Tacoma

The event was attended by teachers and students from both universities, with the aim of sharing common interests on territorial and environmental issues.

Publicada el 5 de octubre de 2018

On August 31, the first summit between students and teachers from UTNBA and the University of Washington Tacoma was held at the UTN Buenos Aires Graduate School premises, with the aim of sharing common interests and promoting exchange among teachers, directors and students of both institutions.

The North American delegation was formed by students and teachers of the Urban Studies and Environmental Science degree courses of the University of Washington Tacoma. And on behalf of UTNBA, their counterparts from the Master’s degree in Territorial Development and Environmental Engineering participated.

During the summit, the research lines and enquiries about territorial and environmental issues on which the two universities are working were also shared.

“We worked on the areas of territorial or urban development and environment. We had the participation of thirteen students and four professors from the University of Washington and twelve students and three teachers were from UTNBA,” explained Lic. Karina Toranzo, Academic Director of UTNBA’s Graduate School.

Toranzo also highlighted the importance of the event since in these cooperation activities “exchange is usually proposed through courses, teachers, and students, which is the most difficult aspect to achieve due to mobility issues, and we were able to make students interact.”

The link between the universities emerged in 2017, through a contact made by UTNBA’s Graduate School and Institutional Relations area. Then a visit to Buenos Aires was arranged by a teacher from the University of Washington Tacoma, who presented his lines of research. And from there on, both institutions began to analyze the possibilities of collaboration and what activities could be carried out within the framework of an agreement, which is being worked on.

The intention is to continue with the student exchange program, and to collaborate through the participation of teachers, either in Washington or in the School. Another alternative would be through courses, whereby students can travel. “The objective is always to encourage encounters between teachers and perhaps some of the students, and to make it possible for them to come to take courses,” concluded Toranzo.

The University of Washington Tacoma, inaugurated in October, 1990, has approximately 5,000 students and offers more than eighty courses of different academic degrees.