New presentation in defense of the activities reserved for Civil Engineering
The Unión Civil association held a meeting with Ministry of Education’s National Director of University Management to hand in a document containing the grounds for rejecting the modification of the reserved activities.

The Unión Civil association, of which UTN Buenos Aires’ Department of Civil Engineering is part, held a meeting with Dr. Paulo Falcón, National Director of University Management of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, to submit a document entitled “Reserved Activities – Grounds for the revision of ministerial resolution No. 1254-2018”, in the context of the actions being taken by different Civil Engineering sectors, in defense of the Reserved Activities for that university degree.
The aim of the document is to reinforce the petition for a revision of ministerial resolution No. 1254 filed on August 15, 2018, and to summarize the central elements of such petition. For that purpose, the new document revolves around three conceptual axes: 1) the academic arguments supporting the request for a modification of the reserved activities (RRAA); 2) the justification that the RRAA determined by the Ministry of Education have a strong impact on professional practice and 3) the reason for the importance of maintaining Civil Engineering as a generalist and integrative undergraduate program based on the characteristics of our country.
Dr. Paulo Falcón committed to submitting the document to the University Council (UC), which is currently working on the revision of the Reserved Activities established by Res No. 1254, for different degree programs.
The Unión Civil representatives who participated in the submission of the document were: on behalf of the CODIC, Eng. Enrique Vera (UTN Facultad Regional General Pacheco) and Eng. Marcelo Masckauchan (UTN Facultad Regional Buenos Aires); on behalf of the FADIC, Eng. Federico Marti; on behalf of CPIC, Eng. Raúl González; and on behalf of ANEIC, its president, Lucía Abalone, and Nicolás Pipino.
Unión Civil is composed of representatives of the Civil Engineering Education Board (CODIC); the Argentine Association of Civil Engineering Students (ANEIC); and professional societies and boards, through the Argentine Federation of Civil Engineering (FADIC) and the Professional Association of Civil Engineering of the City of Buenos Aires (CPIC).