SKF: more than 30 UTN graduates and students are excelling at the company
The General Director and the Human Resources Manager of the company highlighted the academic strength and versatility of the School of Engineering’s graduates and students, which allow them to work in different areas without any difficulty.

More than 30 UTN students and graduates are currently working at SKF, a Swedish Company, leader in bearing manufacturing and in the development of new products, services and solutions for different markets, where technological development focuses on the environmental impact mitigation of their products.
Gustavo Molero, General Director of the company, explained that “at SKF we have had an excellent experience with UTN’s graduates and students. In addition to having excellent technical education, they are innovative, creative and have leadership skills.”
“At SKF –he continued– we encourage every single employee to be responsible and to lead others. Every week, I meet with a representative from each area, but not always with the chief; we rotate, instead. This gives every company member the possibility to make proposals; we give absolute freedom to our employees. And that freedom entails great responsibility; that’s the best way to promote their growth.”
Alejandra Petrarú, the company’s Human Resources Manager, pointed out that “when I’m recruiting and receive a resumé from a UTN graduate or student, I know they will be shortlisted candidates for the job. Because in addition to their academic strength, they have a special interest for the plant. These are the engineers you imagine moving around the machinery.”
From the 31 UTN students and graduates working at SKF, 17 are engineers, 3 are MBA holders, 5 are students and 6 are interns. Eleven of them hold hierarchical positions.
Eng. Irit Cohen, Business Logistics and Planning Manager at SKF, and teacher at UTNBA, stated that the work at the company “is very dynamic. I have every opportunity to develop professionally; they also trust me enough to let me innovate and seek continuous growth.”
“I never –she continued– found anything more difficult to achieve just because I’m a woman. That was not my experience. I didn’t feel any gender differences either at the Engineering School or at SKF. I think I have had the same possibilities of growth as a man.”
Paula Apfel, Business Development Manager for Latin America, expressed her view on this topic and affirmed that at SKF “I have felt very much supported throughout my career. My bosses always encouraged me to grow, even when I became a mom. My job demanded a lot of time and there were moments in the life of my son that I was not willing to miss, like his first day in kindergarten, school ceremonies, birthday parties. I thought about quitting, but when I talked to my bosses, they asked what I needed in order to stay and gave me complete freedom to manage my schedule.”
Apfel stressed that her education at UTN was critical in her career development: “you receive comprehensive education which goes beyond the technical area, which is very important and solid. The School gives you tools which allow you to manage human resources, design development strategies; and I believe that a fundamental aspect is that you learn to cope with frustration, something so important and at the same time so infrequent.”
Another outstanding employee at the company is UTNBA’s Graduate Hernán Bourbotte, Factory Manager: “we perform different activities at the plant; one of them is quality control, we check that all the production meets the company standards. One of my functions is to organize work shifts and to achieve the highest possible efficiency, to ensure that the resources used are the appropriate ones for each task and that they are used efficiently.”
Bourbotte expressed that having studied at UTNBA was decisive both in his professional and personal life: “being an engineer is a way of life, your organize yourself differently, you learn to reason in a certain way. University is transformative. I have very pleasant memories of my time at UTNBA. Eng. Guillermo Oliveto, now the School Dean, was my classmate, and I remember those younger days with great affection. I think that the education I received played a key role in developing myself in the position I currently hold.”
UTN people at SKF
The 31 UTN’s graduates and students who, with their outstanding performance and professionalism, lead the Company to have an excellent concept of the education received are:
Alejandro Baldantoni, Channnel Distribution and Development Leader
Daniel Appuzo –Application Engineer
Eduardo Flores – Industrial Product Management Leader
Hernán Bourbotte – Factory Manager
Irit Cohen – Business Logistics and Planning Manager
Jorge Calvo – Responsible for Shared operations and supply warehouse
Luis Pérez – Asset management specialist
Manuel Gomez Kort – Production Planning Analyst
Mauricio Carniglia –Product Engineer
Néstor Burgermeister – Direct Purchase Manager
Pablo Ibáñez, Project Engineer
Paula Apfel, Business Development Manager (Latin America)
Rodrigo Domínguez, Responsible for Service Delivery
Santiago Durañona, Responsible for the Business sector
Sergio Salerni, Responsible for Production Planning
Verónica Mari, Responsible for Direct Purchases
Yair Zeinberg, Product Engineer
Nicolas Varveri, Responsible for the Business sector
Axel Gorza, Service Contract Manager
Emiliano Carnovale, Solution Factory and Service Customization Leader
Gaston Jorge, Maintenance and Engineering Manager
Agustín Annecchini, Technical advisory engineer
Lourdes Gil, Production Planning Analyst
Diego Fernández, Repair Center Leader
Federico Piacentini, Customer Service Coordinator
Santiago Bereslawski, Maintenance and Process Engineering Intern
Agustin Kouzian, Management Control Intern
Lucas Veciana, Manufacturing Engineering Intern
Joaquin Sánchez, Maintenance and Process Engineering Intern
Gian Franco Riccio, Manufacturing Engineering Intern