The School celebrated the Technological Graduate Day
The School honored those who were elected “best teachers”, graduates who turned 50 and the 2018 highest scores.

UTN Buenos Aires organized the XXI Day of the Technological Graduate event in which it paid tribute to those who celebrated the 50th anniversary of their graduation, and awards were given to the best averages and outstanding teachers of the year 2018.
The event was attended by Eng. Guillermo Oliveto, UTNBA Dean; Eng. Rubén Dellagiovanna, Secretary of University Affairs; Eng. Andrés Bursztyn, Vice-Dean and Director of the Information Systems Engineering Department, Dr. Miriam Capellari, Academic Secretary, Eng. Christian Grillo, Secretary of Culture and University Extension, Eng. Vanina Bottini, Secretary of the Planning and Process Management Department, Lic. Patricia Cibeira, Secretary of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Eng. Gabriel Sievert, Director of the School’s Graduate Office; Eng. Marcelo Hodes, Director of the Electrical Engineering Department; Eng. Marcelo Olivero, Director of the Textile Engineering Department, Eng. Marcelo Masckauchan, Director of the Civil Engineering Department, Eng. Marcelo Doallo, Director of the Electronic Engineering Department, Eng. Guillermo Valvano, Director of the Industrial Engineering Department, Eng. Néstor Ferré, Director of the Mechanical Engineering Department; Eng. Susana Santana, Director of the Chemical Engineering department, Eng.Carlos Trunzo, Director of the Basic Sciences Department and Franco Lisiardi, President of the Technology Engineering Students Association (CEIT).
The Dean addressed the public, to whom he assured that UTN Buenos Aires pays tributes because “we understand that we permanently consider ourselves as a technological community, as a family. And we understand that within that concept we must honor those who preceded us, those who taught us, those who set the path.”
Eng. Oliveto also recalled that “our University encountered many drawbacks, sometimes it was considered a second-order university. Even when the University Law was passed in 1995 – which remains in force – a section dedicated exclusively to Universidad Tecnológica Nacional was included. That was the result of the fight of the technological community because the law originally intended us to be a University Institute since we taught one single discipline that was Engineering. That fight paid off and there is a section of the law that excludes the UTN from the concept of University Institute and even reaffirms the status of University. The fight was constant, but the pioneers were the ones who were leading the way, they made the university grow.”
At the end of the awards ceremony, a message was read by Eng. José Luis García, Dean of the UTN Facultad Regional Pacheco, who lamented that he was unable to attend the ceremony and recalled “Eugenio, the person who made and developed the Facultad Regional General Pacheco and especially those who had the honor of working with him for 23 years uninterruptedly. He allowed me to train myself and be the heir of all he did, wherever I go I am recognized for Eugenio’s work and administration. One of the examples is the CONFEDI (Federal Council of Engineering Deans), when I took the paperwork after his departure, I took Eugenio’s place. It is not easy to have that recognition, it is not easy for this to happen. I am in the place that Eugenio created and the same happens in the School. He is still part of the team he formed, in the developments, in the buildings themselves. Each person who speaks wonders of Facultad Regional Pacheco speaks about Eng. Ricciolini’s work”.
Acknowledged teachers
Carlos Arceri, Industrial Engineering Department
Maximiliano Argumedo Moix, Chemical Engineering Department
Carlos Navarro, Electronics Engineering Department
Federico Cobalt, Information Systems Engineering Department
Leonardo Ponce, Civil Engineering Department
Marcelo Hodes, Electrical Engineering Department
Marcelo Olivero, Textile Engineering Department
Nicolás Carlos Duca, Mechanical Engineering Department
Alicia Álvarez, Naval Engineering Department
Honored Graduates
Mario Villanueva
Luis Juan Petri