Since 2009, UTN Buenos Aires has been coordinating an area to promote social activities involving School-related knowledge, as:
This program aims at providing young people with the knowledge, tools and practical instruments so that they regard new technologies as allies in the learning process and as tools for social integration. To further this goal, we offer training courses in Computer Science, Robotics, Java Programming and Digital Animation.
The first wave of the program included 240 youngsters belonging to socially vulnerable households. The program was conducted on Campus and in Los Piletones neighborhood, at the premises given by Corporación Buenos Aires Sur to the School in 2010. At this venue, UTN Buenos Aires coordinates the “Social Undertakings Incubator” program, supported by the Buenos Aires City Government.
The purpose of the “Walk With Me” Program, launched in October 2010, is to provide high school students with the opportunity to share half-day at work with a graduate from our School, thus fostering the inclusion of young people in society and encouraging them to pursue university studies. In this way, the School makes it possible for more than 30 youngsters to enjoy this experience, get acquainted with the roles and tasks of the graduate and learn what a typical day at work is like in well-renowned national and international companies.